Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Just Some Ramblings To Start With

So who the fuck am I? Shouldn't be too hard to figure out if you're adept at using Google. Not that you'd care. Not that I'd care.

So why start blogging again? I miss writing. I generally feel my best when I am writing so I guess it's time to get back on the horse. Not THAT horse. Not that I was ever on it.

If you know me, you know who I am and what I am all about. I am not prepared to divulge who I am to those who don't know me at this time here. But as I said, if you really cared, then you could find out. My web footprint ain't gigantic, but it's there for the finding if'n you want.

So back to this writing thing. I have always been quite enamored with the muse and I intend to listen to (and act upon) her soft sultry voice, enticing me back to what my soul needs ever so badly. What will be found here as I move forward on my blogger's journey? A bit of this and a bit of that. Possibly some politics, but not too much. I hate politics as most politicians tend to be full of shit and I just can't abide people like that in my sphere of influence. Why should I seek them out and get involved emotionally? Because that's what happens to me (and I'm guessing most people) . I get pissed about things that are absolutely out of my control. And I don't need any extra aggravation in my life. I have ready-made potential crisis's throughout my life without involving myself in stuff like politics. In the end, the fuckers ALWAYS let you down.

Rants are something I expect will be published here. I am also a sports fanatic. I enjoy just about every sport out there and will opine on the subject when the mood strikes me. I think that most of all, I want to engage my writing skills so they do not rust over and become non-existent by the time I start writing that novel I have been dreaming of since I was a teenager. Sure, everyone wants to be a writer nowadays. And everyone can. But should everyone? Should I? I hope to answer those questions and many more over the coming years right here. But anyhoo, whatever I write here SHOULD be entertaining. Your mileage may vary.

I also used to write at a blog called 600 seconds which no one seems to be writing for any longer. Perhaps I start doing that again as well to flex some more. Besides, that was fun.

So yep, this certainly was a rambling post to start with.